And sometimes, blogs

Month: March 2024

Back in high school, there was a kid who needed a fifth year to graduate. Someone asked him about it once and he confidently said he was “taking a victory lap.” To this day it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.

Being Stuck in the System

Sometimes I think about the fact that each and every one of us is, to some extent at least, ontologically trapped. We’re all “stuck” in “The System,” whether we want to admit it or not. Whether we’re aware of it or not. And most importantly, whether we accept it or not.

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One time I was daydreaming some fantastical scenario where aliens or government agents or whatever had to call upon me to save the world, but at some point in the daydream my self-insert character went “wait, this doesn’t make sense, this whole situation is just too implausible, I must be a character inside a simulation, I NEED TO BREAK OUT” and I was jolted out of the daydream, terrified of the fact that my mental construct of myself somehow realized it was a mental construct.

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